Welcome to our ranch critter farmyard. You will find here all the little animals that would be running around the
ranch homestead. Chickens, rabbits, ducks, goats, lambs, guineas, and such. You may even see the little farm cow being
milked. Watch the goats climb the suspension bridge.
Some of the Ranch Critters have arrived, kids (they like to eat weeds), bunny Fufu and his
girls, Lucky the Duck, and four ginnie pigs that are trying to be (prairie dogs), Albert and his wife Annabell, Stop
by and let the boys and girls pet and feed the critters.
The farmyard is still under construction but it won't be long though and you'll be able to
come out and pet the little farm critters. We do have some baby goats that need to be named, Be sure and enter
the ranch contest "Name the Goats" They are getting tired of being called Goat 1 and Goat 2. Visit Bunny FuFu and his
wife, Check the hair cut on Albert the donkey and his wife Annabell. Custom hair cut by our trusted farrier Stacy.